Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Ya Know?

God bless, Caroline Kennedy.

I do admire her. As the daughter of President Kennedy she managed to survive and thrive to become the successful, mature woman she is today. This despite the relentless obsession of the press, thanks in great part to the wonderful job her mom did raising her and her brother. She made it through her teenage years unscathed, graduated college and went on to obtain a law degree. She married and raised three children, the youngest now a teenager. She has worked as a lawyer and is a successful author. She is devoted to her family's legacy and charity work.

With all due respect, however, none of those accomplishments - as laudable as they may be - offer any indication that she is in the least bit qualified to become the next Senator from my state. And it is unfathomable to me that she could have the spotty voting record that has been reported in the news. Voting is a privilege that I take very seriously and I could not imagine missing even a single opportunity to vote.

Lastly, (and it may be incredibly shallow of me) but I cringed when I saw news story after news story criticizing her speaking style when she finally relented to requests for an interview. Sadly, those opportunities failed miserably to highlight the fine mind she undoubtedly possesses. Instead, she appeared as incredibly inarticulate . [I was a teenager when my father's cousin brought to my attention the fact that I tended to fill my sentences with excessive "ya knows". I was mortified! But was cured immediately.]

"You know, I think, you know, we're sort of, uh, sharing some of this experience. And um, as I've said, he was a friend, a family member, and um so, and uh obviously, he's, you know, he's also had an impressive career in public office." - Caroline Kennedy

What a grievous misstep that Caroline and her handlers did not make it a priority that she participate in an intensive crash course in public speaking before agreeing to any interviews.

Oh, sweet Caroline, um, you are simply not ready for prime time . . . ya know?

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