Sunday, May 31, 2009

Post-Racial America

The idea that we will be able to embrace a "post-racial" America with the recent election of the first black President is set back yet again thanks to the vile words of Charles Rangel of NY.

At a rally that he attended following the tragic friendly-fire shooting death of armed off-duty black police officer Omar Edwards who was mistaken for a suspect he railed that "even President Obama should be careful in Harlem without ID".

Murderers Charles Stuart & Susan Smith and more recently runaway thief Bonnie Sweeten all claimed a "black man" perpetrated the crimes that they themselves were responsible for keep racism alive and their lies are reprehensible. But it seems to me that people like Rangel and Reverend Sharpton relish their seeming careers of ripping open the wounds of racism and we are all terribly diminished by it.

They are shameless.

PRO-LIFE, Rather Than Anti-Abortion

Why the headline reads "Anti-Abortion Group Denounces Tiller Shooting" rather than "Pro-Life Group Denounces Tiller Shooting" is beyond me.

I submit that the decks have long been woefully stacked against ANY PRO-LIFE organization by the MSM who consistently labels them ANTI-ABORTION rather than the more accurate "PRO-LIFE." This, in much the same way that the transparently biased MSM only refers to PRO-ABORTION groups as PRO-CHOICE rather than the chillingly more appropriate PRO-ABORTION.

The pro-aborts would argue that they are for "CHOICE," however, that argument quickly disintegrates upon examination in that they offer virtually no support for women who have made the choice for LIFE - rather than the PRO-ABORTION groups favored singular choice of abortion as the best solution to unwanted pregnancy.

Furthermore, they ignore the inconventient truth that there is no "CHOICE" for the genetically unique male and female unborn children whose mothers seek abortion. To parapharase the slogan that has been frequently applied to suicide: abortion is a permanent solution to a temporary problem.

Lastly, and perhaps most grievous, is the failure of PRO-ABORTION groups to serve those women that have chosen abortion that subsequently have difficulty dealing with the reality that their children have been relegated to some hazardous medical waste dump. The well-documented book "Hidden Grief" by Theresa Burke Ph.D. is a thoughtful presentation of years of post-abortion counseling experiences and research and is a highly recommended read.

The murder of George Tiller, unapologetic, infamous late-term abortion practitioner, diminishes us all. It is of no small consequence that this event will surely contribute to a political "perfect storm" where PRO-ABORTS in league with the most PRO-ABORTION president that has ever been elected will elevate the situation to crisis status. It was announced only a short while ago that Attorney General Eric Holder has directed federal marshals to "offer protection to other appropriate people and facilities around the nation," according to a statement from the Department of Justice.

I think it is important that we remain acutely aware of the likely demonization of the entire PRO-LIFE movement in the aftermath of the Tiller murder. It is important to closely scrutinize BHO & CO reaction - it is sure to be very telling.

And voice your opinion loud and clear that killing is NEVER SANCTIONED by true pro-lifers. May God help the women exploited by Tiller, pray for his family during this difficult time and let George Tiller, M.D. rest in peace.

To Love, and LIFE - the LOVING CHOICE!