Melted to his body. I'm sure it must have been painful.
At least, I hope it was. And I hope that the melting was pre-mortum rather than post-mortum. Even better, that he experienced the burning pain for minutes rather than seconds, and if it were for an hour or more??? I would be even happier. God forgive me, my lifelong mantra (to paraphrase the once respected Hippocratic oath) is to "think no harm": I take no joy in other's pain regardless of the circumstances. But in the case of Bruce Pardo???
Bruce Pardo is the man that dressed as Santa Claus and went - no doubt uninvited - to the Christmas party that his newly ex-wife was attending. Like an evil parody of a country western song that was hatched in hell, he had only weeks before lost thousands of dollars, his wife and his dog in a divorce settlement.
When an 8-year girl answered the door at the Christmas Eve party, he shot her in the face. Bruce Pardo then killed his ex-wife, her parents and six others during the Christmas Eve massacre he orchestrated before killing himself at his brother's home. I have not read much about the tragedy - only hearing the latest headlines - the reports are simply too horrific to comprehend.
Today it was reported that Bruce Pardo even intended to continue his maniacal killing spree by targetting his own mother because of her sympathy for his ex-wife.
An eternity burning in hell is far too lenient a sentence for this evil cowardly man.