Sunday, November 8, 2009

BS Health Care Bill by Any Other Name is Still Crap

The exuberant glee  in the House after Pelosi and company labored into the night to pass their abominable H.R. 3962 health care bill reminds me of the pride a potty-trainee feels upon the inaugural delivery of serious business into the toilet.

Pelosi crowed:
"I . . . received a call from the President of the United States, Barack Obama, congratulating us on a great victory for the American people. I thank the President for his tremendous leadership because without President Obama in the White House, this victory would not have been possible. . . . we are very, very proud -- proud of our success, proud of the Members of Congress who took a very, very intense interest in the legislation -- they know what we have accomplished for the American people."

A stunningly questionable accomplishment to be sure since it fails to address tort reform one of the main contributors to the real problems in the United States health care system.

The biggest bone of contention during the Saturday Night live edition of the House was discussion of whether the bill would fund abortion or not. After some closed door negotiation it was included along with the public option and death panels that so many supporters vigorously denied. As it stands this bill will undoubtedly cost jobs, increase already-confiscatory taxes, and will raise rates of the insurance companies this administration consistently demonizes.

The inaccurately named "Affordable Health Care for America Act" will supposedly be funded in part by the elimination of Medicare waste but I don't have much confidence that will happen. There is nothing affordable about this bloated bill and Pelosi and crew will never be able to deny that they "own" this massive $1.1 trillion, nearly 2000-page piece of legislation.

In his congratulatory remarks after the passage of HR the president touted the victory despite "misleading rhetoric surrounding Health Care" but the only misleading was done by the those supporting this bill at any expense.

With the stunning victories in New Jersey and Virginia last week, the silent majority is increasingly finding its  voice. I look forward to the 2010 and 2012 elections when the rad lib Democrats will be swept out of office much like the proud toddler amusedly bids farewell to his "achievement" as it circles the drain before it is flushed away.

Time for the power-crazed majority in the House and Senate to get ready to put on their big boy pants and either come to their senses or face the election results.