Saturday, October 31, 2009

These Are a Few of My Favorite TWEETS

03/20/10  O CARE will not only ROB OUR PARENTS & GRANDPARENTS by CUTS in MEDICARE but our CHILDREN & GRANDCHILDREN mortgaging thr FUTURE!!

DESPICABLE! I hope NEVER to know what it feels like to SELL ONE'S SOUL the way Kucinich just did on HC. God help us all.

SERIOUSLY, where does PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY figure in O's INSANE push for National FED RUN HC? We must RESIST the appeal of NANNY STATE!

DEMs that vote for egregious GOV takeover of HC harbor certain death wish with politically deadly dose of unvarnished ARROGANCE.

Praying STUPAK stands strong FOR LIFE and not allow OUR MONEY to pay for SLAUGHTER of innocent unborn and VICTIMIZATION of their mothers.

There is simply NO WAY that self-proclaimed PRO-LIFE DEMS can JUSTIFY their vote for HC BILL. They are pro-life in name only.

THERE WILL BE political BLOOD (figuratively) in NOV if DEMs HIJACK our FREEDOM by forcing HC Bill FORCING us to BUY HC!
02/26/10  Scandal-ridden NY GOV Paterson finally decides NOT TO RUN for RE-ELECTION! Now he needs to RESIGN! We deserve better.

O's Union Payback: SEIU's Andy Stern named to O's Deficit Commission When will the insanity end?

Just saw PRO-TAX INCREASE union & GPV Paterson-backed ad on TV. Pushing for the SODA TAX here in NY. Are they INSANE??

02/25/10  Arrogant O to McCain at HC Summit: "John, let me be clear: the campaign is over!" Disrespectful and arrogant. I have ZERO respect for him

Ethics panel says Rangel broke House rules He knowingly accepted Caribbean trips from a corporation.

Boehner is right on at #HCR Summit: Mr President, the people want us to SCRAP the entitlement bill that will bankrupt the country.

Paul Ryan:HC bill filled with smoke and mirrors gimmicks and questions COST that CBO can't rate since they don't have enough details. #HCR

Guess who said this . . .again: "because I am the President" Unappealling, unattractive, unabashed arrogance. And it aint pretty

Arrogant O & DEMS lectured GOP at HC Summit out-bloviating them 2-1 in speaking time. Bipartisanship display? I think NOT!

O extremely condescending to Lamar Alexander. Not sure what benefit this show is to Dems. They look arrogant, stubborn and ignorant.

Paul Ryan:HC bill filled with smoke and mirrors gimmicks and questions COST that CBO can't rate since they don't have enough details. #HCR

02/24/10  MAYO CLINIC: The HEART is beating & pumping blood just 4 WKS after conception. Abortion stops a beating heart.

02/19/10 John Bolton at #CPAC10 remarking on O's foreign policy approach: "negotiation is not a policy. It is a technique."

Stimulus-created jobs "saved or created" is a total FARCE akin to "The Emperor's New Clothes" Do the math. Simply aint real.

11/10/09 Always sad when a life is ended but Beltway sniper execution is delayed justice. Especially for the families of those he killed.

11/09/09  Lieberman believes Ft Hood attack was terrorism. Only voice unafraid to state the obvious.

11/10/09  Does BIG BIZ Planned Parenthood offer post abortion COUNSELING to post-abortion women that have difficulty?

11/10/09  GLARING DIFF between O and GWB - GWB & Mrs secretly visit the injured from terrorist slaughter at Ft Hood while O publicizes his visit.

11/10/09  What a freakin EMBARASSMENT!! O fails to mention the contribution of the great Ronald Reagan to the fall of Berlin Wall, Communism.

11/10/09  Homeland Sec J Nap "working 2 prevent anti-Muslim backlash". How bout work 2 protect ALL of us rather thn focus on imaginary backlash???

11/07/09  Swine Flu Crisis is being CRIMINALLY MISMANAGED! Vaccines sent to Wall Street B4 hospitals and will go to Gitmo detainees.

How will O honor the FALL of BERLIN WALL, Communism? Spiegel Online reports O is TOO BUSY! (Maybe has golf game?)

Obama's Frightening Insensitivity Following Shooting reports NBC Chicago. YES, NBC CHICAGO! Is MSM waking up??

11/06/09 I believe that the impractical OBSESSION with POLITICAL CORRECTNESS directly contributed to the slaughter at Fort Hood. Shame on us!

FED CANT MANAGE H1N1 CRISIS . U SERIOUSLY think they can manage R HEALTH CARE? And Y R they content to leave 5% w/out coverage??

In endorsing Dem HUGHES in NY23, loser SCOZZAFAVA reveals herself as a vengeful Lib-Dem in RINO clothing she always was.

WHY is it that most cases of VOTER FRAUD involve those pushing LIB DEM candidates?

RINO Scozzafava suspends NY 23 campaign! BOOST for Hoffman and indicator of POWER of CONSERVATIVES! NO 3rd party necessary

John Stossel Destroys/Pulverizes/Crushes O's anti-American 'Health Care' Plan #tcot Pls RT USA AWAKEN !


Glenn Beck is #1 on Forbes Top Scariest List. If telling unvarnished truth makes one "scary" then I LOVE being scared by @glennbeck

ITS HAPPENING! RINO Scozzafava suspends NY 23 campaign! BOOST for Hoffman & indicator of POWER of CONSERVATIVES!

O names just 110 WH visitors, most still HIDDEN Daschle, NOWs Gandy, SEIU chief. MSNBC request 4 full list REJECTED

AWESOME! Created by Floridians - constituents - outraged by Alan Grayson's disgraceful behavior

Frm conception 2 term abortion is murder. Our goodness as a society rests on how we protect the unborn. -Donald Douglas

SCARY: Pelosi believes her HC Bill will increase services, reduce costs. Are we to believe that our gov to do more with less? IMPOSSIBLE!

@JIDF NAACP Invites Jeremiah Wright to Speak at Awards Dinner, Black Honoree's Friends Refuse to Attend #tcot #jcot

06/01/09 Blind squirrel TED RALL has diff reasons 4 it but finally found acorn "It’s increasngly evident tht Obama shud resign"

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Yet Another Poor CHOICE

President Obama's Science Czar John P. Holdren co-authored a 1970's college textbook that promoted the idea that "illegitimate children" born to unwed mothers could be taken by the government.  He elaborates further noting that:
It would even be possible to require pregnant single women to marry or have abortions, perhaps as an alternative to placement for adoption, depending on the society. . . .  . Indeed, it has been concluded that compulsory population-control laws, even including laws requiring compulsory abortion, could be sustained under the existing Constitution if the population crisis became sufficiently severe to endanger the society.

Although Holdren was compelled to issue a statement in July (in which he denies his advocacy of the totalitarian population control proposals outlined in his own academic textbook) it escapes me that our President could have willingly invited someone who had ever propounded such base, radical views to become a part of his administration.

In 2006 syndicated columnist Dr. Walter E Williams wrote that in 1940:

the illegitimacy rate among blacks was 19 percent, in 1960, 22 percent, and today, it's 70 percent.
According to Holdren's misguided beliefs (conditionally, if "the population crisis becomes sufficiently severe") the newborn children of unmarried black women who chose not to abort their children would be heartlessly removed from their mothers' care. I find that terrifying.

I recently read the haunting narrative of  the life of former slave Frederick Douglass and am now reading another of his books "My Bondage and My Freedom." He recounts that for black slaves living on Southern farms traditional family life as we know it was non-existent. Innocent babies, quite often the product of an unholy union between slave-owners and the young black girls they took wanton advantage of were routinely taken from their mothers and instead raised by older unrelated slave women no longer able to work in the fields.

Is it a stretch for me to conclude that Holdren shares some of the same views as the racist eugenics queen Margaret Sanger, the founder of Planned Parenthood?

Why, in this country, are we so obsessively and obscenely concerned for the welfare of something as obscure as the delta smelt out in California,  a so-called "endangered species" that the government would see fit in move to ensure its protection thereby restricting the water supply to farms that rely on it for their existence? Yet, care not for the dignity of human beings trying to survive?

Why do I find the image of our President holding a baby thrust into his arms so disturbing (in that it fails to illustrate the usually guaranteed smile of a career politician in such a cliched situation), made more disturbing that it is that of President Obama who rarelyfails to display his winning, if insincere, megawatt smile?

I believe that I find it disturbing because I am haunted by the remark he made below:

“Most leaders spend time trying to get others to think highly of them, when instead they should try to get their people to think more highly of themselves. It’s wonderful when the people believe in their leader. It’s more wonderful when the leader believes in their people! You can’t hold a man down without staying down with him. — Booker T. Washington”
I believe that Barack Obama by his poor choices, intentionally or not, seriously shortchanged all of the people that truly believed in him. By his actions, I have my misgivings about whether he truly believed - or respected - the people that made him President of the United States.